Wind Farm Bolt Torquing

Wind Farm Bolt Torquing

Renewables include solar, wind, hydro, and biofuels (amongst others) that are at the centre of the transition to a less carbon-intensive energy system with the aim of sustainability. Wind Farming is becoming an important source of renewable energy used by many countries as part of a strategy to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. It is one of the oldest energy sources exploited by man and is the most established and efficient renewable energy source. There are about thirty three Wind Farms listed in South Africa, making it an industry with no shortage for Bolt or Torquing needs.

Wind Turbines need regular maintenance and repairment. We hire out and sell calibrated tools and Hydraulic Torque Machinery for the maintenance and upkeep of bolt areas and effective torque output. We also supply training services for the correct operation of machinery. With renewable energy in mind, we at Bolt Torque provide industries with services, rentals, and products to upkeep industries of sustainability.