Wind Turbines Bolt Torquing
Wind Turbines convert kinetic wind energy to electrical energy. Wind Power is one of the oldest energy sources exploited by man. Wind Farms are found all over the country, and we here at Bolt Torque are invested in providing services and tools for the maintenance of these machines.
Wind Turbines are made up of the rotor (blades), generator, and surrounding equipment. They can require about 25 000 bolts. These are large machines that need regular maintenance to remain reliable, safe, and efficient.
We provide services and equipment that are efficient in renewing and maintaining Turbines to their maximum effectiveness. Our Hydraulic Torque Machinery can access hard to reach bolting areas and can produce accurate torque output. Hydraulic Tensioning pumps are mainly used to stretch bolts to your desired value. Hiring and using these tensioning pumps are useful to tension bolts on Wind Turbines. Furthermore, a multi-skilled team offers training for the proper usage of equipment, machinery, and materials.
Rest assured that Bolt Torque keeps the importance of sustainability in mind by investing our services into helping industries such as Wind Farming stay alive.